Is it just me but is the ‘p-word’ kinda a cuss word?

By p-word phrase I mean like ‘pissed off’ etc.

As you can see this isn’t censored on here. I have zero problem with that but if I say I was pissed off as a kid I would get a bollocking from my parents lol

Is anyone else hopelessly old fashioned like me in thinking the p-word is a naughty word

I look forward to your replies!

nope, being pissed also means being drunk I hear over in europe…haha

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That it does @jukebox !

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You up late or early jb?

both…napped off and on…up now…

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I tend to say “ticked off” here at home instead of the other. I don’t think my kids really say that one as I’m sure I’d notice if they did. I don’t let my youngest say “crap” as a regular use word, though. When my oldest would get worked up at 16 and older, she’d warn me she was going to use a curse word. I’ve never heard my other two curse, ever.

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Not a bad word to me or anybody I know. It’s not equal to the f word or other curse words.

What about wanker ?


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Pissed off is kind of a slight swear word I think. Not as bad as others… It’s kinda like “damn” in my books lol

Ive always considered it a cuss word. But i think the concept of cuss words is kinda dumb

Most of the cuss words censored on here are ones that are used as insults/slurs.

As a kid, we weren’t allowed to say pissed off. But it doesn’t really hurt people to let them know you’re angry. It hurts people to call them names.

Better to be pissed off than pissed on….



Depends on your point of view, I guess…


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