Is it dumb to

Smoke weed to treat the akathasia and dystonia from the antipsychotic you are taking…
Say that you have totally managed symptoms From the AP
I notice a lot of people do this almost naturally to help treat there eps…

I dont think its wise to smoke pot but it effects everybody different. i used to be a pot head for years but last time i tried it made psychosis even worse wouldnt risk it if your doing well on ap


I wonder about having a drink!
I have been wanting to have a drink with friend I’m scared I’ll compromise my mental health by doing so…

Well i drink all most everyday lately am drinking now and ill be honest i think it helps me most the time. Am not saying start drinking that would be bad advice maybe just try having a few beers on a weekend to chill you out a little and see how u go. but dont over do it.


Yeah I want to drink a few beers in the weekend!
That sounds like fun!

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I drink occasionally. Never in large amounts. My doctor is ok with it. I would ask your doctor as it might be not ok on specific meds

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Yes that’s true
I heard that lamictal could lower my tolerance to alcohol
Which would be great …
Im hoping to get a drink tonight to celebrate my endeavors
I will keep it very minimal!
Probably just a Bloody Mary since I weigh 100lbs already and I am a female…
And taking lamictal would probably lower my tolerance
Also the fact since I haven’t drank since October…
I would get huge mood swings when I used to drink
But lamictal has really helped me a lot…
Anyways thank you!

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Always chat to your doctor. Weed affects most psychotics negatively and alcohol can lead to dependence etc. Alcohol is also wasted calories and not so good for the old weight gain most suffer from.

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You should talk with your doctor about smoking pot and drinking.

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