Is it bad that

I have not wrapped a single present yet?

Think I have about 10 to do.

Are you all organised, or like me leaving it to the last minitue!


Usually last minute :blush:

Buy Christmas gift bags. You can buy them at the dollar store. No need to wrap.


Last minute rush to wrap gifts for us!

That’s exactly what I did this year ! No fuss, no drama. Easy as pie.


We ran out of wrapping paper and we don’t have Christmas bags for my brothers girlfriends gift.

I hope I don’t run out.

We go into highest alert level for Covid the day after Christmas day, so the shops are going to be absolutely packed tomorrow, as it will be the last day many are allowed to be open for god knows how long


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Japanese people wrap their gifts in cloth. Or they used to. That may have changed.

Maybe use newspaper? I’m sorry.

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Hey @Wave whenever I don’t have wrapping paper and I need to do a gift I use aluminum foil. It’s perfect for Christmas presents. It looks so pretty under the tree. It’s special.


I leave it to the last minute usually.

It’s all good though. I only have about four presents to worry about. :slight_smile:

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I wrapped zero presents this year. I had the grandbabies presents drop shipped straight to their house and had their dad wrap them and my I paid Amazon to gift wrap my sister’s gifts and my kid’s are just getting money so that doesn’t need wrapped. I didn’t buy any other gifts this year as I’m on a low budget.

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No we wrapped her gift with some good paper.
Thanks @Leaf @Joker and @Montezuma


I have great difficulty wrapping anything. I give vouchers and cash . Unimaginative?- I agree , but it saves me from the stress of wrapping things.

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Mine are all homemade cards this year. No envelopes to fit them in either. I suppose I could make homemade envelopes.

Hard to wrap prezzies when you’re locked down and no one can go anywhere.

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