i dont know what i had but i was constantly telling to me that other women should be really spoiled to be loved so much… ok,it is envy which is not good but it took a big proportion in my life… is it a good strategy to try to counter that with positive thinking? even if its hard? i try to replace that thought with the thought that i deserve the same thing and that they re not spoiled,they re just not sick… one pdoc told me that sz lost their naturality in the illness, i was also telling me that others have fake smiles but in fact its just me… i try to avoid this thoughts right now, i think that this can help me in my recovery if there will be one good point isnt it?
I think it’s important, since you seem to be interested in this to get in touch with the issue inside of you - kissing the frog kind of process. Telling yourself that you are the opposite of what you are is just surface + won’t hold up in the long run. Unless you want to be a manequin - How do you spell that word???
The best strategy for recovery is lots of rest. Good nutrition - one that balances health with pleasure - is optimal. Also, a little bit of music or silent therapy goes a long way.
I speak to no one in real life. All I have is a “virtual life” on the internet. No one speaks to me in the real world, which is fine. Only have several people in my life that “think” they know the real me, but as long as I keep myself distanced from them when we’re together, all will play out well. It’s all just an act, really, in a really terrible movie.
i am not sure for the rest mistercollie. ive rested since child, i wasnt doing anything, i should more probably try to activate myself… i am real lazy in the life and i got to the point that i am anxious from the slightest activities like opening a jar for example,yeah my battle will be more in my thoughts i think cause the damage is there…probably the rest is for the overstressed sz by the environnement, me i am ■■■■■■ up for other reasons(genetic and physical and psy abuse at my house when i was child)… i was sceared of my thoughts and i am still scared. i have the fear that i am pedophile for example,not a nice trick.
take care
I just joined your site here and read this thread and want to say a few words, but let me first tell you where I’m coming from. My darling wife has sz and some other issues. I am making an effort to learn more so that I can better understand how to improve her life (and thereby, our life together). I really have to because she won’t go to Dr, take meds or even talk to her counselor by phone, so I talk to her counselor every Wednesday instead. Have done this for over a year.
Sorry about the preamble - here’s the point in reference to rest vs activity. It is very important to get adequate rest, but I see such dramatic improvement in her subsequent to exercise. Exercise for the sake of exercise always fails because she has no interest in that, even tough we live in the country, but then we stumbled across a near miracle - we bought a horse!
She now has 4 and will spend hours with them, walking around, talking to them, singing to them. This “social” activity with them and exercise does more for her than I think meds even could.
So, I’m wondering if you all have pets, and if that interaction helps and might aid in getting some fresh air and physical activity?
As far as naturality goes - everyone engages in impression management. The smiles of most people are often fake simply because no one has the energy to fully process the tons of interpersonal information we get everyday, so people just smile and let it pass. I think that we, as schizophrenics, are just more aware of this. When I was young I longed for a long term, stable relationship. When I finally got one I found out they have their drawbacks. I still do want romance, to some extent, but I also find myself more content with the simple pleasures, like sitting near some woods and listening to bird cries, going for a walk, or watching a good documentary. At the assisted living center where I stay we go to town once a week, and that is a ritual I enjoy. I’ve found that just being around people can be enjoyable. I don’t even have to interact with them. Just being around them is enough. Watch out for isolation. Try not to spend too much time alone.
thanks crimby and cherokeean…yes ill try not to isolate myself anymore but sometimes my brain still shuts up suddenly and i get tired at this moments and really pissed of… the lack of pleasure then points his nose, the boredom is killing me at these times… i hope ill get better faster,i am already 33 years old and i spent 13 years isolated from everyone, without boyfriend etc etc… the only boyfriend that i had,i used to scream on him,being jealouse and at the endi he told me that i am not sick but evil wow… i still get upset from the storys of sz who ve wasted their lives, i was thinking a lot through this years that this will be my case. i even prayed to die and now its hard to emerge and live better and happier