Is it a bad sign (disability in the US)

I had my hearing on Sept 2. I first applied in 2017.

Is it bad I haven’t heard back yet? I check the status everyday and nothing.

I’m really anxious this means I won’t get it this round. I really really need it like it would turn my life around. :frowning: I’m not even living paycheck to paycheck I’m borrowing money and asking for donations.

I can’t even move back in with my parents. They said I could but then days later my brother had to move back in there. There’s not enough room now since he has 3 kids

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I’d say that it is neither a good nor a bad sign. The government is generally slow unfortunately.


It might even be a good sign that you weren’t rejected right away.


It might be worth calling in. It shouldn’t take that long.

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I never had a hearing but I remember checking on the status of mine for months and months before they approved. Then after getting benefits it took them almost a year to pay out my back pay. I honestly started to think I just wasn’t going to get my back disability payments, but they finally came.


A year :tired_face: ugh I hope that doesn’t happen to me


Well, that was just for my back pay Moon. They started my normal payments almost right away once I received my approval letter.


It may have only been 6 months or so. I just know it was a long time. Long enough that I began to doubt that they were coming.

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Get a disability lawyer, this should speed up the process a bit.


call in. your local. they’ll try to put it thru.

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I have a lawyer

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My sister who’s disabled had a side hustle. She did face painting at local fairs. She also makes jewelry and dream catchers. Idk if she sells them but she could.

I’ve lived in a homeless shelter before. They’re not bad. The people there aren’t bad either just down on their luck.

Has your doctor said you can’t work?

Yes my therapist filled out a form that said I cant work full time.

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Does that mean she thinks you can work part time? That’s weird. She needs to change the wording. If you can’t work you can’t work. I would work anywhere if I were able but I’m not.

Sometimes you just can’t. I can’t even leave my house so… and my sister tells me she recognizes that I get confused sometimes. It’s weird like I have trouble grocery shopping. Anyway…

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I can work part time but not many hrs. I’m doing 25 and it’s too much :confused:

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