I had my hearing on Sept 2. I first applied in 2017.
Is it bad I haven’t heard back yet? I check the status everyday and nothing.
I’m really anxious this means I won’t get it this round. I really really need it like it would turn my life around. I’m not even living paycheck to paycheck I’m borrowing money and asking for donations.
I can’t even move back in with my parents. They said I could but then days later my brother had to move back in there. There’s not enough room now since he has 3 kids
I never had a hearing but I remember checking on the status of mine for months and months before they approved. Then after getting benefits it took them almost a year to pay out my back pay. I honestly started to think I just wasn’t going to get my back disability payments, but they finally came.
My sister who’s disabled had a side hustle. She did face painting at local fairs. She also makes jewelry and dream catchers. Idk if she sells them but she could.
I’ve lived in a homeless shelter before. They’re not bad. The people there aren’t bad either just down on their luck.
Does that mean she thinks you can work part time? That’s weird. She needs to change the wording. If you can’t work you can’t work. I would work anywhere if I were able but I’m not.
Sometimes you just can’t. I can’t even leave my house so… and my sister tells me she recognizes that I get confused sometimes. It’s weird like I have trouble grocery shopping. Anyway…