Is Everyone Excited About The 6% Increase Next Year

… In Social Security benefit AND the $70 (on average) increase in Medicare Part B premiums.

For Some Reason, I Feel Poorer, but there’s probably a pill or app for feelings like that too.

The Simpsons Did It!

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I heard the Medicare premium was going from $148.50 to $158.10. I don’t know if that’s true yet.

On average its going up $70. Not everyone is “treated the same” . Considering my online behavior and things I stand for, I probably be expected to pay off the National Debt. LOL. “What happens if they croak on the job?” Just Send The Body to Mammon Zone Fulfillment Center, Jeff Will Fuel His Next Twirl With Them! Giggle Bells!

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Its like the old American On-Line Slogan, “You’ve Got Male!”

Is There A Feaser? Or is it Just A Frazer?

wait, what7 LOL, or not7