Can I choose to be like the normal people that don’t have it in their genes? Should I feel guilty for being schizophrenic? Am I Demon possessed, don’t lock this question I feel like I am struggling with the stigma in my personal reality. What should I do to prevent my kids from getting it?
There is no choice or I would choose not to have schizophrenia, you can choose to learn psychology and better yourself, you shouldn’t feel guilty, you’re not demon possessed (That is a delusional belief), the stigma is real, unfortunately, and a lot of people will judge you without getting to know you. There is nothing you can do to prevent your kids from getting it, if there is a genetic component then it is the luck of the draw on whether or not they inherit it…
It’s not a choice. The only thing you can do is love and educate your children the best you can. If they do develop it, they’ll have a firm foundation , meaning you as a great parent, to lean on
You can learn to present as normal in spite of having positive and negative SZ symptoms.
No. Nor should you feel guilty for being a diabetic, having a heart condition or red hair. It’s just something that is and doesn’t reflect on your character.
No. Your brain is malfunctioning in such a way that you are preoccupied with weird thoughts about demons, that’s all. Meds and therapies can push you past most or all of this in time.
Just do the best you can in the day you’re in and things will generally sort themselves out.
Maintain as stable and as loving a home as you can. Don’t self-medicate in front of your kids and encourage them to stay away from recreational drugs. Cannabis in particular may be a trigger for those who are genetically predisposed to SZ. Other than that, there’s not a lot one can do (my kid is 20 and I cross my fingers every day).
It is not a choice. In most cases even if the drugs silence the voices they come back when you quit taking them. I have not heard of any way to protect your kids but the odds are kind of in your favor if you feel you have to have kids. You are simply unlucky in that category. There are worse genetic diseases out there believe it or not but they are few in number. Look at it this way: it is what it is and it’s currently incurable. You don’t need to waste time figuring out how it happened. Just make the best of it.
It’s not a choice no one would choose to be schizophrenic it’s a horrible illness and no one except the people who have it know how hard it is just to function day to day
Maybe yes and no sometimes
You choose this? Why would anyone choose this?
Just saying, you cant always choose to be normal.
Being Schizophrenic is not a choice. Its a terrible bloody illness that even the doctors dont understand properly.
Whether you let it rule your life and become a victim - thats your choice.
I can’t understand choosing to be normal when you can choose to be awesome instead. However, I certainly didn’t ask for a broken head that complicates my life. I have it, I accept it, but having this illness is definately NOT by choice.
I WISH it was a choice because then I could unchoose it.
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