I live with other schizophrenics, and I guess we all share the same germs, and probably the bodily defense mechanisms against germs.
i live by myself but visit parents. we are in a stay at home order. being a loner, i’ve noticed, means i get sick less frequently.
1/3 of Earths population is on stay-at-home restrictions.
Edit: the US is about on par with that 1/3
I’m on a shelter in place order mandated by my state and county.
I’m under a Corona restriction because I’m only 17, so no drinking for me.
I am under restrictions here in Wisconsin
Not all of my state is under full restrictions, but my county and all of the nearby counties are. I think they should do the whole state, quite frankly.
Our State is under a Shelter in Place Order.
All the states should be under a shelter in place order. Those college kids who were going to spring break in spite of the pandemic made me kind of mad. Only one person who had the virus needed to turn up there and we would have had thousands of new cases of Corona.
omg I am fuming about that. Most of my family works in healthcare so they’re on the frontlines of having to deal with this ■■■■. The people who were partying have/had no regard for people like said family members, or the elderly, or the otherwise immunocompromised, or society in general.
Our state has a stay at home order.
We are supposed to isolate as much as possible. Only going out for groceries or for medical purposes. Most restaurants are just doing delivery or drive thru.
Uniform conduct – new Mexico governor wants people at home…
Movies, coffee, cheese cake, and tea — think of it like a vacation!
My grandmothers have been advised to stay at home, I am classed as a key worker so I should be going into work but I can’t because I have to be careful at home. So waiting for my work to be sent to me so i can work from home.
I am allowed to go to work as I cannot do it from home.
The main thing I am doing is social distancing when I am at work, and cleaning my hands very often.
My care team have also given me and my parents permission to see each other as I cannot manage my meds on my own
yeah, you’re supposed to self isolate.
meaning even no communication over the internet.
Here in Spain we have to stay at home. We can only go out to go to the supermarket or to go to the doctor.
I wish they would do that here. I could use a week long vacation, but we live in close enough quarters that we all probably share the same germs, so there is no point in social distancing from each other.
Self isolation…borders closed…border between provinces closed…dentist closed…family dr over phone…fines and jail time if caught violating…social distancing …think six to ten feet away…non essential businesses closed…