Is anybody using any encryption in emails

In America I studied many encryption related issues such as algorithms, however I have never used any encryption in my emails, because sadly people in general do not use it in their communication. Even law offices do not use encryption in their communications with their clients. How sad. Basically people send open postcards on the net, at least in the 1980s people used envelops in their messaging. :smile:

Not anymore. I used to encrypt everything. I ended up getting paranoid. I think I ended up on the NSA’s radar. Now I don’t encrypt anything beyond the standard encryption schemes like https. I almost studied encryption online but got paranoid so I quit. I studied half a semester of number theory and dropped out right before they learned elliptic curves (from what I understand is now worthless due to the NSA).

I’m interested in side channel attacks. If I ever regain my intelligence, I would like to replicate the research being done for fun.

I don’t bother. If the NSA wants to snoop on me sending links to cat videos to my daughter, they’re welcome to.


I had a hobby in America, I collected encryption algorithms and I was interested in the US encryption policy, well this was in the 1990s when encryption laws were made more open, but I suppose 9-11-2001 changed all this because it is so much easier for the NSA and other agencies to read our mailings around the world when no encryption is promoted…

I know how to use encryption, but I’m also aware that doing so will make me stand out from the crowd and put unwanted scrutiny on me, so I don’t. Not that I’m doing anything that requires such scrutiny, the thought of it just creeps me out.


Same here. I just use https when I’m forced to. Like when signing into gmail or something. But it doesn’t matter if you know what I mean.

What do you think of quantum computers and quantum encryption?

I suppose it can work. I have not really followed encryption developments in many years, I still have all encryption algorithms I collected in the States in the 1990s, but as any technology, this is also developing and evolving continually.

In America before I started hearing voices I had many interesting hobbies, once I was subscribed to one intelligence info service and they emailed me daily latest news what intelligence agencies did in different countries. Well, long time has passed, but those were interesting days.

It is one interesting thing with these voices, back in March 2001 when I had returned to Miami from LA, I received ‘an intelligence collection spiral’ in my mind and then I had a voice on the voice of Vladimir Putin in English saying that ‘do this as a hobby’, I understood that I should follow this spiral in my info collection activities.