Is anybody having an OK day today

Is anybody having an ok day today?


That’s good mate, happy for you.

My day’s been okay as well. Just wish I managed to study some more though. Then it would have been a good day, there’s still time. Even if it is past midnight :pensive:

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Its better to sleep but if you have too much to study its better to not sleep than failing an exam. Sometimes I didn’t sleep at all like for my physics exam which was at 8AM. I drank coffee to not sleep. I still got a very good grade.

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I had a pretty good day. I went to my second house and watered the plants and various other things.

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Yeah, it’s nagging me because I just feel unconfident about the material. It’s not even particularly hard - nothing like physics for example.

Idk, maybe it’s just self inflicted guilt?

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For me it was because I sometimes hanged out with friends instead of studying so had to cram all the material the day before the exam. That was before university, we call it college in Canada, I had too much courses, I had taken an extra course over the full time.

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