I have my doubts I think the kids that are givin adderal or Ritalin either have nothing wrong with them or would benefit from a mood stabilizer I was prescribed Ritalin as a kid it made me a violent monster and I got into a lot of fist fights because of it and I truly believe this I’m not trying to stir the pot sorta speak
I wonder about this as well, if it’s real. I don’t think I ever knew any kids with ADD or ADHD but there was one guy I knew in high school who was on Adderall and/or Ritalin. He gave me some of his pills one day and I took almost all of them and they kept me up all night. Then I never took any more meds until I was prescribed them in 2015.
I have my doubts too but I think it could be real.
It’s just overdiagnosed among school aged children.
I think it’s very real. My daughter has the inattentive type (mind wonders constantly, but not hyperactive). My husband is hyperactive. My neighbor’s son was hyperactive. The meds definitely help.
That said, I agree it’s over diagnosed to kids that simply have a lot of energy
I essentially have adhd when im having sz symptoms. i think it’s real.
I think that, like most behavioral disorders, it is about observed behaviors rather than intrinsic disordering of the mind. The diagnostic criteria for Autism, PTSD, ADHD, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, etc are all very similar, and diagnoses change over time. I think that treating these is very similar to treating schizophrenia.
Different meds work differently for every person, and it is always a balance of the minimum effective dose to achieve stability without bad side effects. Combining medication with therapy and coping skills is much more effective than giving a kid pills until they stop being disruptive.
Just because you were likely misdiagnosed doesn’t mean the entire diagnosis is fake. Wtf.
I think it is real. I know someone that was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult. She mentioned it affects ther executive function. I hadn’t heard the term before. I guess it is similar to avolition from what she described it as although honestly I’m not sure.
I developed ADD after they put me on antipsychotics.
It develops when serotonin and dopamine levels get too low. Zyprexa is a major inhibitor of both those.
I new somebody at my special needs school who had ADHD and without his Ritalin he was a nightmare.
I was tested for ADHD and my results were that I was borderline clinical.
Nevertheless, my pdoc put my on adderall, as it can also help with negative symptoms and depression. I’ve found it doesn’t make them go away, but when I have to get up and do something, it’s a little easier to force myself into it.
And it really does give me better focus. I’ve been able to read little bits again, work on some craft projects a little bit again.
How long have you been on it for? It’s been a bit over a year for me, and I have found significantly diminishing returns. I take 10 mg. I tried going up to 15, but that gave me bad side effectssoi dropped back down.
Its a bit frustrating, because in the begining it helped SO MUCH and I kind of got a false sense of what I would be capable of on my new med. Now, I don’t notice much of a difference, except that if I forget it I get withdrawal.
It’s definitely real. My daughter had it as a kid and she was a handful!
Thing is I read that if you’re allergic to certain foods you can have the symptoms of adhd. So I had her tested for allergies. Turns out that child was allergic to everything
I actually took Sparrow off of Concerta cos it was like kiddie cocaine. Child didn’t sleep.
That’s too bad. I haven’t been on it long. Maybe two months? If that? I’m on 15 mg ER. I hope that doesn’t happen to me, too…
Interesting. I have 3 intolerances and 3 allergies to different foods.
Are you allergic to corn?
I have intolerances to gluten, soy, and egg. Soy is the really bad one. And I’m allergic to kiwi, cherries, and walnuts. Weird.
Oh ok. I don’t know about those things but I think I read that corn allergies are a big culprit. Try staying away from the things you’re allergic to and see if that helps.
According to google search:
ADHD Symptoms May Be Caused by Food Sensitivities
Many children with food sensitivities can exhibit ADHD symptoms after they are exposed to certain foods. Some of the common foods that can cause ADHD reactions include milk, chocolate, soy, wheat, eggs, beans, corn, tomatoes, grapes, and oranges .