Is 8 years too much of an age gap?

As in the girl being 8 years younger? I#m going to be careful i promice. i know i should keep myself off these sites but i won’t do anything stupid.

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No it’s not, but it means if you end up getting married he will probably die a long time before you. But really, no age gap is inappropriate unless we’re talking about an adult and a child. It’s up to you to decide how much is too much.

he says he’s 38. I’m almost 31 next month.

I’m 8 years older than one of my siblings. We are still tight. We don’t have the quite the same relationship as my brothers closer in age to me, but it’s still good. Also if you want two girls, from every friend I’ve had with sisters they seemed to get along the best the farther apart in age they were, early on anyways. Later in life a lot of them got tight with their sisters no matter the age difference though.

Me and my husband have 10 years apart. It can work. Age does not matter when you are adult.

Iiiiiiiiish! Your medical team said to stay away from dating sites for a while.

I can’t help it @everhopeful. I’m just feeling more optimistic about finding someone.

Hmmm. That’s noble, but you’re still going against medical advice. They only want you to stay away until you’re stable.

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Follow your heart.

You can find many, many examples of people who had 8, 10, or 12 year age gaps or more but the relationship worked despite the age difference. I think it really depends on the two people involved in the relationship. Celebrities are notorious for hooking up with much younger or much older people for relationships, but it happens out in the real world too.

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