I don’t understand how all through my teens and even being 20 my life and mind was 100% normal until last year when delusions subtly came and then full psychotic break which has changed my mind and life forever being on the meds etc…is early 20s prime age for mental illness.
It is for schizophrenia in males.
And for females late 30s right…i know a guy who’s started at 30s also heard of people getting it at 17. Terrible age to get a illness.
I think late twenties or early thirties for females. I got it in my late thirties, rather rare I think.
Yes you are so lucky…if only I got A few more years in normality but no 21 time to get it going.
idk, I suffer since child… does it happens in schizophrenia? to have symptoms since child? I wasn’t saying anything to my parents that I suffer so now its ultra hard. I am 34 years old…
Honestly? I was so drunk and stoned all the time at that age that I could have been in the prodromal phase and NOT noticed it.
Childhood onset is supposed to be really rare,
I dont believe really at the 30s for women. my friend is schizophrenic too and she told me that she had voices even at her 15s… me, I have really painful symptoms since child…
I got diagnosed at 22, so 20s seem to be a hotspot. All I know is that I may have had childhood-onset, but since I can’t remember any of my childhood at all, it’s hard to determine. I know I was constantly freaking out that people were sabotaging me (like if I did poorly on a test or the year I didn’t win a blue ribbon for gifted & talented). I went from being a very loud, extroverted child to completely withdrawing socially and becoming a social reject over a matter of months. Then the delusions I remember kicked in at about 13.
unfortunately 20’s is right around the time it usually strikes if you’re a male. I became psychotic at 24. started showing signs around 22 but they would come and go so I wasn’t worried at the time.
Yeah me to early 2016 had a few delusions…i just rolled with it…never knew down the track id be hit with a illness. I definitely withdrew in the prodromel stages.
hey, at least maybe they’ll have better meds soon that don’t suck, or even find a way to cure us. Its no fun but you don’t sound like you’ve had it very long.
what are your symptoms like? do the meds help?
for what its worth I don’t understand this ■■■■ either. Its a tragedy.
I wasn’t 100% normal but I certainly wasn’t crazy
Just fellings of unreality most days…emotional flatness…cant think the way I used to…tactile hallucinations…it sucks. Yeah haven’t had it that long. Maybe a cure…who knows. Yeah I wasn’t 100 percent sane but I had a good life no doubt about it.
Sorry to hear it man. Maybe you won’t have another break. I went 7 years after my first episode without one. But eventually I started having them again.
It’s pretty ■■■■■■ crazy when you think about it though isn’t it. One day you’re normal, nothing that can’t be managed and then bam! You’re ■■■■■■ up and never the same. I remember hearing a teacher talk about sz and bipolar in high school. She even said that the sadest part was that people could remember being normal. I think I was the only one listening, but I was like yikes, thank god that ■■■■ is rare. Who woulda known it would happen to me.
Yeah I had a manic episode hear and there I thought was just a bit of creativity in my personality…never sought help…then the delusions got worse and worse. But yeah deffeintly and I remember being normal to…was happy pretty much everyday…liked laughing with friends etc…i suppose we should get out of the pitty party but it’s hard going through each day like a emotionless zombie.
Drugs and stress brought my symptoms out.
I was in a rehab program for substance abuse and I started to have trouble thinking. My anxiety was through the roof and I started to interpret people’s hand talking and postures as somehow relating to me. I left the rehab and started smoking dope again and it all went away. Then I got in trouble ended up in jail, went back to another rehab and had a psychotic break about 8 months later. It’s now been 16 years I’ve had either schizoaffective disorder or bipolar 1 depending on who I talk with. I will never be the same
21 is not a prime age because 7 x 3 = 21
I remember being normal very well because I am in my late 40’s and was only DX in June 2015. Life is definitely different. I always have it worry about losing control and acting crazy. I NEVER (obviously) use to worry about something like that. From everything I have read, early 20’s is very typical, especially for men. I should point out that I have most recently been diagnosed with Delusional Disorder which does tend to come on more in females and in mid-life. My psychotic breaks revolve around loss of control. It’s terrifying.