IQ and Executive Function Skills: The Engine and the Fuel

My situation is strange. When it comes to school work I have no issues and am extremely well organized and never procrastinate, in fact I always complete my work early. My grades were quite good… When it comes to self care matters…accomplishing even the smallest task like brushing my teeth can be extremely challenging. I procrastinate on literally everything. My brain seems not to know how to handle it. It breaks everything down into a million minutiae and steps and becomes overwhelming.

I am not sure why I only see this deficit in the area of self care and not in school or work or anything. My therapist theorized it was because I didn’t view myself as important. But I am not sure because if it was that then why would it change based on whether I’m under stress or not? If I’m not under stress it is easier to care for myself. If I am under stress it all gets tossed under the bus.

Executive functioning is something I’ve always struggled with. Except taking my meds seems to slowly improve it with time.

My daily living skills ,apart from money management, are not too good. I get quite a lot of support from my stepdaughter. I also have someone come in once a week for 60 minutes to keep the flat clean . It used to be 45x2 , but my s/daughter stopped her coming for a while because of the virus situation.

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Speaking of which. My cleaning lady is coming pretty soon. I’m in the same boat. I mean it doesn’t look too bad right now but I only clean it in advance to make the cleaning peoples jobs easier.

@Jonnybegood, do you live alone? With your parents?

I live alone. My parents pay half my rent and disability pays the other half. I’m In a nearby city to them.

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You’re so lucky to have a house cleaner!

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Sometimes being a really smart person can be tougher if they’ve never had to work at or struggle with something later in life. When they eventually hit a block they don’t know how to act.
Being decently smart with a strong work ethic and grit is really the key ingredients.
Obviously high iq plus work ethic and grit is ultimate But so rare

Good point @LevelJ1 If I can’t work something out quickly I tend to go into panic/defeatist mode.

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You just gotta try to approach it like a game.
Like super Mario. If you fall into a green tunnel and have to start again you now know to watch out for the green tunnel :blush:

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