
Last night I basically had a mandatory social outing with guys from work. There was about ten guys in my boss’ backyard. I usually don’t socialize and a sensitivity I have to the way people stand as groups of people form reminded me of old delusions. Basically I talked within the circles for a few hours but as time wore on I lost interest and became annoyed at outgoing personalities. As the circles formed I found myself on the outside and basically just watched from the sidelines. This has been a common social dynamic throughout life and can remember making temporary friends with people who also stay outside the larger circles.


The prospect of ‘mandatory social events’ horrifies me. :face_vomiting:


I used to hate these events at my job. I traveled some for work, and it was always about a 3 day affair.

The work itself at these events was fine, it was the social aspect I cringed from. Because of my position, I found myself in larger circles than I may have been comfortable with.

I was dealing with agoraphobia too, so I was always late to cocktails. I’m not a drinker, but I drank during these times. It helped.


Why didn’t you joined the group?

People don’t care about whats being said (i assume you’re not weird and even then they still dont care ) or even remember whats being discussed


Eventually I just stop listening to what people are saying and start thinking to myself. Basically zoning right out of the social situation. If I was in a class learning I would be able to keep focus but my mind would still wander. I’m actually not bad at keeping conversation going but most conversations I have no interest in.

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To me part of being an introvert is to think carefully about what I am going to say. I don’t want to offend others. I don’t want to have negative personality traits. If another person is being obnoxious, I clam up and hold a grudge.

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I’m very introvert. It costs me a lot of energy to socialize. I also need to spend a lot of time alone to re-energize. So, I understand your pain.

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I’m quite introverted. In F2F situations I can easily become a bumbler. Yesterday when my s/son was here I wanted several times to say something but it was that feeling of the verbal freeze before you then stutter. I haven’t regularly stuttered since about the age of 11/12, but I’ll do so every now and then.

I’m also very passive when it comes to conversation,in that i really struggle when it comes to initiating a conversation. That tends to result in the vast majority of NTs jumping to the completely erroneous conclusion that you’re stand offish.

My (step) daughter is aware of my difficulties. Thus she always gives me the get out clause of ‘tell me when you’re ready to go.’ when it comes to social gatherings.

I can find social interaction quite tiring. When I get home it takes a while to ‘recharge my batteries’.


Yes, I hate mandatory social outings as well. I’m a spectator not a participator. I prefer my small circle of odd friends where I can relax and be myself.

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I have an introverted personality type: INTP.

Schizophrenia has actually had the affect of making socializing easier for me, as I have gone out of the house more than I ever had before, partly since I developed an aversion to my house and the cats.

I don’t get invited to parties, or large social gatherings, but I think I would do tolerably well at them. Whether I am engrossed in a conversation or not varies a bit, depending on both my mood and my conversation partner.

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I tested as INTP too

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As an introvert I do not get aggressive. I do not argue much and I don’t fight. I try not to hate for any reason. This is the way I am. Some people I know look down on me for this. I accept myself as I am.
I am a good introvert. I do not usually secretly harbor ill will. I read good, healthy books. I think to myself. I have some beliefs that are special, which is possible by looking inward.
I try to respect the people who are extroverted. We are just created differently. We need to co-exist.

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I have my own thoughts on the introvert. I like to think of the introvert as the resistance in society to become too collective. Even if you get everybody in the same place doing the same social activity, the introvert will escape into his/her own mind and never truly become part of the group. I also think in some ways the introvert, in many domains of life, is prey to the extrovert who is the predator. This is especially true for students at school: someone who is alone with no or few friends gets picked on by the groups of bullies. I have other thoughts on it but these are the two main ones.

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