I have an interview tomorrow at a local grocery store and I am beyond nervous. I got new clothes and shoes so I can look presentable, I’ve printed my resume and practiced interview answers. I need to practice more. I applied for a cashier position but I really wanted the stocking position. By the time I applied it was closed though. My fault. I should’ve jumped on it sooner.
It’s a interview event so I’m pretty sure it’s going to be a group thing, which I’ve never done before. My social anxiety is having a grand ole time with this.
Anyway, please wish me luck. This job pays $1.50 more than my current job.
I’ve been to a couple of group interviews; they weren’t so terrible. They’re almost easier because the interviewer isn’t just focusing on you like in a one on one situation. Just dress nice and be attentive and give good answers. You can take a clue from other applicants in the way they answer. You don’t want to copy everybody else in your answers but you can kind of tell what works and what the good answers are. Good luck.
Thank you everyone! I just got home from the interview. I feel like it went pretty well. Most people came dressed in hoodies and sweat pants. I came dressed in business casual so hopefully that made a good impression. Ill hear back in a couple weeks. I’m hoping for a second interview.