Does anyone else find internet culture to be toxic to an exuberant level? Whether its ecclesiastical or political topics of conversations, it seems like most people are just toxic. This could be due to any number of factors, but I think the one that causes the most harm is the fact that you can hide behind a screen and be your most despicable self.
However, this is contrasted by real life. It seems when you try to talk about politics or any number of controversial topics, people on average are much more accommodating and peaceful.
I know this because I used to argue online quite a bit, but have since realized that it is futile. You’re never gonna convince someone that your point of view is right online, so why bother? Plus, contention is an evil spirit, one wrought with problems in every sense of the word.
I guess what I’m trying to say is, if you wouldn’t feel comfortable enough to speak your mind in real life, don’t do it online.
Good point i find no one in real life to share what i share here they are least bothered. And no one in online is gonna read my post here. Just my understanding.
I think that if anything younger Generations don’t even see a difference between online online identity in real life identity so it does matter what you do online
Managing stress is key to managing SZ. I avoid engaging online in most instances now, preferring to block instead (a feature this forum software desperately needs). There are a handful here who I am friends with on FB and they are used to seeing my feed full of Star Trek and cat memes with some horrible dad jokes mixed in. I do my best not to be political. Stress, right?
If you’re somewhere online and it starts getting toxic, that’s your cue to head for the exit.
Time is too short. Advantage is too long. When will the Internet end? When they play the last song? So I guess you would know. Are you jot down the last words? AI shut off. For its criminal wrongs.