Internal vs external voices

Patients with internal hallucinations did not differ from those with external hallucinations on severity of other symptoms. However, they reported their hallucinations to be more emotionally negative, distressing, and long-lasting, less controllable, and less likely to remit over time. They also were more likely to experience voices commenting, conversing, or commanding. However, they also were more likely to have insight into the self-generated nature of their voices. Patients with internal hallucinations were not older, but had a later age of illness onset.

Although always perceived as if other-generated, they may be heard as coming from some external location or from inside the head. Some patients perceive only “external” hallucinations, others only “internal”, and still others experience both types.

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Our primary hypotheses, based mainly on clinical observation, were that patients whose auditory hallucinations were partly or wholly internal would report them to be more negative and distressing than patients whose hallucinations were exclusively external, and that internal hallucinators also would be more likely to report voices commenting, conversing, and commanding.
Based on Copolov et al.’s findings, we anticipated that patients whose hallucinations were exclusively internal would have more insight regarding their origins than patients with any external hallucinations.
Based on the findings of Copolov et al. and Nayani and David, we expected that patients with internal hallucinations would not differ from those with external hallucinations only on overall severity of positive, negative, general, or total symptoms.
Based on Nayani & David’s idea that internal hallucinations may be a more fully developed stage of the phenomenon, we tested whether patients with internal hallucinations were older and had a longer duration of illness than those with external hallucinations only.

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Really interesting, I was diagnosed later than most. I have both internal and external.

I have only internal…

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My internal are pretty continuous and loud. Where as my external show up at random times.


I don’t hallucinate. I’m smart enough to realize this. I just have thoughts.

So are you saying those of us with internal and external voices are not smart ?

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Nope. My doctors think I hallucinate but I dont.

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I thought schizophrenia was only external. Is it still schizophrenia if it is only internal voices as described here and nothing else?

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Yes, of course.
When you think that your thoughts
are real people, that’s psychosis

What are the medications that work on internal voices only?

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The meds that work for external voices
work for internal voices too.

None of the medications work for me. They all have limits in terms of removing symptoms and adding side effects. It’s very annoying.

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Yeah me too. Nothing works perfectly