“PRL secretion is regulated by cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-1, IL-2, and IL-6, which are stimulators, while endothelin-3 and interferon (IFN)-γ play an inhibitory role.”
Do you know your prolactin level @Green @everhopeful ?
Mine was high 41, but I dont know what is it now with abilify 5mg. I still get some thought broadcasting after 3 months on abilify.
“increased mRNA levels for interleukin (IL)-2, IL-4, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor alpha were found after such stimulation, whereas mRNA for IL-5, IL-10, and IL-12p40 was usually below the quantitative level.”
TMG is working for my inflammatory il-6 levels.
I no longer have external voices from people in sza.
Also negatives have improved
I got headache from TMG before, but now its working fine with b complex.
I dropped abilify 5mg this morning and also drinking iron rich hibiscus tea.
@everhopeful I think you get headache from tmg if your iron levels are low. I got anemia last time I tried as weakness and headache.
Hibiscus tea should be sufficient to correct the depletion.
“Animal studies and research in humans show that this novel fatty acid called omega-7 can help break the cycle of high blood sugar, elevated lipid levels, inflammation, and excess fat gain as well as enhance insulin sensitivity.”
High homocysteine is linked to increased inflammatory IL-6 production.
Can already feel difference with positives and negatives with TMG.
Just got to buy methylated b complex
Meds that block il-6
Currently, there are two available drugs based on human monoclonal antibodies against IL-6 receptor, tocilizumab (RoActemra, Roche) and sarilumab (Kevzara, Sanofi). IL-6 receptor inhibitors are currently licensed for several autoimmune disorders and are considered well tolerated and safe in general.
Got my brain inflammation down to almost nothing in a level that I have little negatives and blood glucose(about 100) is much lower with zinc supplementation.
Still some miniscule auditory truman show from people that I intend to finalize with vitamin e and c.
I get tmg from wheat bran. At first I got headaches but I haven’t had any headache in a month.
Study unravels how zinc deficiency causes inflammation
Doing well on zinc now, but I take larger amount than normal
Schizophrenia: 'Leaky' blood-brain barrier may cause inflammation.
Zinc citrate and sodium butyrate especially help with this a lot.
Took sodium butyrate for over a month and my voices significantly disappeared.
I may buy another bottle from amazon since I don’t feel complete.
Hi Ale,
I’m quite new to this forum, and so far, I’m still learning about all the new features your site has to offer!
But I had a question or two about your research, which I find quite striking?
Are you still taking the sodium butyrate and have you been able to acquire a source of methylated B vitamins? And what other vitamins do you take?
The reason I ask is because I’ve been experimenting over the past five years with vitamin C, D3, B complex, Cod liver oil, and Iron (because I run anemic due to my monthly cycles).
Please let me know as I’d be interested in discovering which methylated vitamins are best, that aren’t terribly expensive.
For instance, I’d once priced methylated forms of several vitamins in the nutrition section of my local grocery store, including: folate, B12, B6, zinc, Liposomal C, etc., and it came out to around $40.00…
Many thanks,
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