I had time to eat some breakfast…
I mean
I just want to keep writing the things I am able to do, by not smoking.
I’ve also purchased protective gears for skating.
I had time to eat some breakfast…
I mean
I just want to keep writing the things I am able to do, by not smoking.
I’ve also purchased protective gears for skating.
Hooray !!!
I just found one pack of cigarette in my bag and smoked one… and bought a finger board on Amazon… I don’t know what I’m doing anymore
Stopping this habit could be harder than I expected.
The plan is to fidget with the fingerboard when I want to smoke…
I really want to avoid buying nicotine patch, because it’s basically buying a carton of cigs for two week supply of the patch. I mean price wise.
Hey good luck giving up smoking, what’s a fingerboard and how does it help not smoking?
These are finger boards. Tech decks.
It’s a toy… lol
If I’m gonna be restless not smoking, might as well distract myself with these.
Hey anything is better than smoking
Try getting a book on how to draw out from the library, and do that, instead.
I used to have a Tech Deck, when I was younger!! I had my smaller stuffed beanie animals ride around on the mini skateboards.
Tech Decks are cool. Do whatever you think will help you quit smoking.
I’ve never smoked, so I don’t have any advice on how to stop. But I would think you just gotta keep your mind busy. Like with those Tech Decks, jigsaw puzzles, books, maybe a crafty hobby?
Good luck. You can do it!
I’m quite rubbish at drawing… but I do read a bit. I think it helps with my cognition.
But your right I think it has to do with changing habits… because I notice I would smoke after completing certain activities.
Yeah… tech decks bring me back to my younger days.
Skating actually helps me with re identifying myself. Like I would prefer being a “skater” me over “ schizophrenic”
I think I’m getting in light of things, like I need to replace certain behaviours I unconsciously link to smoking…
I get that, but nicotine seems to be very addicting.
I’m sort of exploring what I could do if I didn’t smoke.
But I did smoke a few after finding a pack of cigs today
Could you get a fidget toy, like the ones made for autistics? Like a sensory stimulation that will help distract you when you’re craving a cig?
Something like this?
Hmm… the edamame looking thing is cute
Maybe rubic cubes.
I’m sort of thinking of getting this thing
Actually that’s a great idea @Blossom!!
I should’ve got the grip thing instead of a tech decks… darn
Today, instead of smoking,
I had a big breakfast. Cereals eggs and bacon
Fidgeted with tech decks
Watched skate videos
Took care of my self.
I did smoke three cigarettes though.
I’m wondering if I should throw the rest out…
They actually make me feel sick.
I don’t know why I smoke them.
I might throw them out when I receive my shipment of my grip strengthening tool and pads for my skates.
Maybe promise yourself (or someone else) that you will throw them away when you get the grip thingy? That way, you’re more likely to follow through?
Oof… the concept of promising is a bit weary to me tbh…
After psychosis and all
What about an alternative? Can you maybe reward yourself with something? Like, a special drink that you love (bobba tea, fancy coffee drink, delicious tea)? Or maybe you could give a special item to a close friend or family member, something you love that you own, and tell them to only give it back to you when you throw out the cigs?
Just trying to think of ideas.
What is a fingerboard? 15151515
Hmm. . .
When I Quit Smoking I Got Bored Also.
But!, I Didn’t Really Erratically Move About Nervously. With Toys And Such.
I Instead, Meditated. And Emptied My Mind.
There’s A Song (By) ‘Melodysheep’, That Says, ‘BE LIKE WATER MY FRIEND’.
Sometimes When I Get Distracted I Whisper, ‘Be Like Water My Friend’.
To Myself Though.
Because Most People Would Probably Look At Anyone Saying That With Leery Eye’s.
Be Like Water, Clear And Innocent.
You’ll Make It Through!.