Ineffective medications and the lasting affects!

Hello folks,
About 5yrs ago I started to take medication for my schizophrenia, and over time it has done nothing but harm to my body and made me feel even sicker. I have no throbbing headaches anymore or withdrawals or symptoms from medication, I have multiple lypomahs on my body, I’ve gained like 35lbs, I’m constantly constipated I such Irregular bowel movements (it use to be everyday and now its once every three days to almost 4 days at times, I get cramps in my intestinal track especially in my small intestines the sh@t just doesn’t move at all) when I go to the dr I get no results besides have you been drinking enough water. Yeah I do everyday I drink water! I don’t sweat anymore! wait, wait I sweat like a little bit but not like I use too I just feel like a such a wimp at times. like I said it has no affects on me what so ever.

So my question is… drum roll please! Have any of experienced any of this? and if so have filed anything against pharmaceutical companies for it? I’m running out of options as what to do.

Any input would be great!

Have a good one!

when I go to the dr I get no results

Ask your doctor to refer you to a specialist.

Have you tried seroquel or Latuda? Those are good meds. Seroquel is good because it is fast off d2 receptor. Latuda is good due to its lack of histamine effect. Part of your side effects can be the illness itself. When I was recovering I felt all kinds of strange feelings but it turns out many were hallucinations

For constipation and irregular bowel movements my brother takes the following:
Magnesium Malate
Magnesium Glycinate (Doctor’s Best)
Smooth Move Tea
Prune Juice

For the lymphomas and weight gain, I don’t know if there’s anything you can do except switch meds.

Thanks for the input!
Yeah, I’ve tried some of the things you guys are talking about no results! And just more weight gain! At times I just feel so wimpy! With all of this.

Ill figure something out eventually!

thanks again,