Inconsistent job performance

Does anyone else have this issue? I can work solidly for weeks on end with no breaks, but then I switch into snail mode, and everything takes ages to complete. I’m just entering a snail mode, and I don’t know how to fix it. The more I force myself to sit down at my desk, the more I find things to be distracted by. And then I come on here and pretend I’m doing something productive, but I really need to be doing my job.

What are your tricks for getting things done when you have no motivation or concentration? When the mere thought of starting a task puts you into panic mode? How do you get things done?


I pretend I am doing things like you say you do. Luckily I have a job where I can have down time so inconsistent performance is not a huge issue.

I still have bad days like today but I just force myself to do stuff and it usually gets better once I get started.

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I’m guessing this isn’t the answer you’re looking for but I drink coffee to pick myself back up when my energy is low. I also don’t let myself get too comfortable. I stay a little cold, and don’t let myself get warm and toasty. I sit on the edge of my seat too.

It sounds like you’re burnt out from overworking. You need to have a start time, stop time, and breaks–even if you really feel like working some more. This will prevent you from getting burnt out in the future.

At this point you want to break things down into small, easily achievable tasks; if you look at the big picture you’re going to feel overwhelmed and not even start.

Also, if you like what you do remind yourself of why you do it. This may provide a little motivation.

You got this!

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I think you’re exactly right, here. I had been doing a good job of pacing myself, but we entered a busy period for about a month, and I had to pull a lot of overtime hours. I should have been more vocal about needing my time off. I will get better about that in the future.

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Think “Once begun, half done.”

I used to use the Pomodoro technique. You work for a period of time, usually 25 minutes, then a 10 minute break. You can find pomodoro timers in app stores. I have Tomato Timer.

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Motivation is not my strong suit. I just let things go undone. Sorry.

Smoke a cigarette.

I don’t smoke, and I only drink one cup of coffee in the morning. Otherwise, I turn into a jittery explosion of anxiety.

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i am in this mode it gets better but then i go downhill again … like yesterday was a good day however today wasnt so good. i do think its the weather… perhaps a low mood?

The weather is tough. But, days are already starting to get longer again! I’m having trouble too, especially with work, but we can get through it.

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Hi @Ninjastar,

My experience with work is slightly different because I experienced inconsistent job performance due to mental illness and an added physical disability. I had to adjust some things I do at work to adapt my disability (such as a heating pad, footrest, etc.) and managing pain levels.

For me, I personally love to listen to music when I work- usually without lyrics- to focus on the assignments that I had been given. I usually turn the volume of the music to low and set it on the background, so that it doesn’t distract me too much. You can also take frequent breaks (for example, work for 30 minutes and take a 5 minute break) so that you are not burned out by working. I have poor concentration so music has helped me.

Also, you got this! I know you can do it. I do not know you personally, but I believe in you and I know that you can get through the troubles that you are facing right now. I’m thinking of you. We’re all here for you.

With much love!


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