In Your Honest Humble Opinion, What Is Happy Music?


It Can Be A Genre. Or A Particular Artist And Or Song.

In Text Or Video Format.

It Can Even Be Your Own!.

Please Enjoy!.

~P.s. Hope, Trust, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Endlessly Eternal Peace!.~ :innocent:


Ambient, hippie music that’s about being in the moment.

I thought this song was really happy music when it first came out…

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There’s a lot of things that can make a song sound happy. One big thing is when your chord progression goes from low to high as opposed to one that goes down

The first one creates the illusion that things are getting higher and higher rather than lower and lower

Speed is another thing. Happy songs tend to be faster I guess.

I think it’s about about high energy vs low energy so maybe “joyful” music is a better phrase than “happy”.

Music reflects the self and when we’re joyful we’re full of energy and extatic
When we’re sad we’re low energy and slow

Another thing is the notes in the actual chords. Major chords tend to sound happier while minor chords tend to sound sadder.

Joyful songs tend to be simple and “perfect”
Sad songs tend to be complex with some dissonance or conflict I would say

Music theory is very interesting :slight_smile:

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