It makes good, needed dirt.
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I don’t understand, but just thought this was funny.
I will defend your backside to the death.
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Dirt, meaning the stuff bowel movements are made of.
lol, @PinCushion. I have a septic tank that leeches out into my yard, so you’re right. All my trees and lovely plants being nourished by …
that is so noble, @77nick77!
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Thank you. I think that defines the expression “I have your back.”
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Have you been thinking about Paradise Macaroons @PinCushion??
No. But I never got used to the idea that tasting is mostly smelling. Does that mean that when I smell shitt, I am also tasting it?
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Uh, unfortunately…yes.
Pair them poops up with this:
Mmmmmmmmm what a cracker.
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LOL! @Csummers!
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