# Impaired neural replay of inferred relationships in schizophrenia
This is a 2021 study, but still interesting. I came across it this way - today I read a news report about a group of scientists who want to develop a MEG-based test for the earliest stages of Alzheimer’s.
The news report mentioned Professor Ray Donald, so I searched for the group’s papers on PubMed, supposing that they must have researched schizophrenia too, and came across this MEG study of 2021.
During a post-task rest session, controls exhibited fast spontaneous neural reactivation of presented objects that replayed inferred relationships. Replay was coincident with increased ripple power in hippocampus. Patients showed both reduced replay and augmented ripple power relative to controls, convergent with findings in animal models. These abnormalities are linked to impairments in behavioral acquisition and subsequent neural representation of task structure.
I wonder if MEG could be similarly used to detect schizophrenia.