Imgine if you

i imagined today if i put in prison for the rest of my life

i m now annoyed becoz i dont have as much money as the other ppl

so i am annoyed i am angry i feel very bad

so i thought about if i could suicide i will end my suffer

i thought about if i kill someone i will be happy and my anger will go away

so i asked myself what if i put in prison for the rest of my life

like animal i wont do anything except eat and surivive and wait for death
nothing more

is this will be better than i m now !!!
no no no
i must rethink about my life
i m not that bad
i m wonderfull
i still can hope !!!

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The worst thing about prison for me would be the other prisoners. I watched some Louis Theroux and it scared me.


omg it is horrible
we are still humans
no creature worth this
we are still souls and have feelings
i ask god for peace to creatures
oh my god bless all creatures with peace and love :blush::heart::heart:


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