Imagine living forever, any different?

  • No difference
  • Somewhat different

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Several questions.

Would I keep getting older?
Will diseases keep happening to me as I age?
Could social security afford me?

All in all, it would be a miserable life.


I don’t think you would appreciate things as much if you lived forever. Like sunsets etc. We all know we are on borrowed time.


Very different, me thinks.

How much culture, the economy, politics etc would change in just 50 years. I would hope like live for just an average amount of years.

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You would look like 30 years old for a time frame of 200 or 300 years.

Lol interesting conditions you have set up :grin:

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Living forever is very different. Yes!

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Yup. I would of course want to live longer. Now we are talking.

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We wouldn’t live in a rush, we would have much more time to do stuff. I think world pollution wouldn’t be an issue.

Ohhh, do you mean if everyone lived forever? Now I guess that’s an interesting thought


Yes there will be maybe much more depressed people.

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I suppose people might be more responsible, and hopefully learn from their lessons.

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Yes, I think so as well. More responsible, maybe we would have different fears.

Not sure I can stand seeing dumb people make the same mistakes over and over for eternity.


I don’t want to live forever. I couldn’t afford the rent.


I always say I don’t want to live with dentures cos my teeth mean so much to me

Hahaha haha…

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Living forever sounds like horror to me… not that im in much pain right now, but gosh i want to have a eternal nights sleep when i have the age to deserve that.


I’m worried it’ll be forever in hell for me.

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You are afraid of nothing/zero/niente.

I would like to live forever. I don’t think I would last forever, but I’d like if the option were up to me.

I think in the ideal situation I would live maybe 200 years. If I was in ideal health and it was a perfect situation in terms of just taking like a medicine and give me as much problems as SZ meds do I think it would be worth the trade. I just think that eventually I would explore most of what gives me value and have had enough time to become comfortable with death.

I think getting 200 years in prime health would be more then enough to get much of what I want out of life.

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