I'm waiting for a Fed-Ex delivery

It’s a day late. It’s usually a day late here because we’re so out in the boonies. But I’m saying it better be here today or else. lol. I really want my stuff. I have some sugar-free pudding in there and some oatmeal both of which sound good for a snack. I’m trying to think if they normally show up late in the day. I think they do.


Oh and my juice, that’s why I put the order in - my glorious juice pineapple peach mango, strawberry orange and fruit punch.


oh but don’t you love the suspense of when it’s coming? I certainly hope your wish comes true…that punch sounds delicious.

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I hope you get it soon! Are you able to track it and see if it’s at least out for delivery?

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Yes, It says it’s on the way


Perfect! I have to watch carefully if I have packages sent to my home. In my neighborhood, packages get stolen all the time. I usually have them sent to my PO box

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That’s terrible, thank God you have a PO box

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Yeah. I got the smallest box they have so I could afford it. Packages just get stored I the back of the post office. They put a slip in the small box that lets me know I have one there


hey that’s really smart

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Thanks!!! It works perfectly!

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