I actually believe that my local Radio Stations are playing songs to compel me to take an action. But if I do take this action, it has the propensity to hurt people’s feelings.
I don’t know what to do.
Advice anyone?
I actually believe that my local Radio Stations are playing songs to compel me to take an action. But if I do take this action, it has the propensity to hurt people’s feelings.
I don’t know what to do.
Advice anyone?
Always try to avoid hurting others. The radio station can play songs all it likes. You are the only one who controls whether or not you hurt people.
I also think part of you knows it’s a delusion, and the radio station isn’t targeting you. They’re just playing popular songs to get more listeners. When do you see your doctor?
I see my psychiatrist in a week. He wants me to take 20mg of Olanzopine each night for a month.
The delusion (if that what it is) is incredibly powerful. The logical side of my brain is battling the creative side once again.
@anon39054230 I’m on 20 mg of Olanzapine also. It helps me a lot.
I’m glad you are being proactive. In the meantime, keep reminding yourself that you’re a good person, and good people don’t hurt other people’s feelings. You control your behavior. You’re the only one who can make you act a certain way. You can keep choosing to do the right thing.
This so-called ‘delusion’ is consuming me. I feel the need to act out…to somehow set the record straight in order to stop the mayhem and insanity that is going on at Radio Stations across the Globe.
Stop listening to the radio, Patrick.
It’s only making your situation worse.
Or try music with no lyrics like jazz or classical? I did that for awhile. It helped. I couldn’t live without music though.
What is the action you are feeling compelled to do?
This is a delusion trust that you are going to only make yourself look foolish and hurt people’s feelings for no good reason.
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