So if you don’t like a person how does one find the strength to still have concern for their wellbeing?
Is that not really tiring, to care about someone you don’t like?
For me personally I can think of a person I don’t like right now.
If I ask myself am I concerned for their wellbeing? The answer is no because they are likely to draw bad things into their life for being a prick. Why would I waste my energy wishing them well. When I am not a magician anyway who can magic them to stop being a prick.
It’s like being concerned for them when there’s no point.
I just think to myself, let them be them if that means they stop being a prick at some point, then cool.
But, I don’t want to waste my energy caring or in other words praying for them. Because it’s pointless
I used to feel like omg how dare so and so doesn’t like me
But we are all going different paths experiencing different circumstances so all have our reasons and also right to dislike whoever we feel we dislike as long as we have no intent to harm. Imo
… …
youre not a fake @Zoe ! youre a great person I think it can be difficult to choose to love ourselves sometimes but. I truly believe that we are all worthy of Love and respect. We really are all equals although the ways of the world can make us feel like were less than others. I think most people struggle with seeing the good in themselves. Its like you can see how great everyone else is, but you cant see how great you are
lol nice thats so cool. i wish i could draw lol true getting organized? not much just trying to get some of the things on my to do list done. last few weeks ive been making a lot of music so, my life around me is kinda a mess haha have to clean my room, catch up on reading, workout etc. Gained the 10 lbs i lost back so haha time to get my life together
My advice is to not worry about it. I’ve gone through the same thing, looking at things under a microscope, it’s not necessary. Like:do I love my mom or am I just using her for someone to talk to? Of course I love her! We are not being judged.
haha thanks, im working on a collaboration with 2 other artists atm. Wil be another few days until its done. thanks for the good wishes I think ill be singing and producing on that one. LOL ill try to take it easy thanks.