I'm thinking of getting a safe deposit box

I know my personal information is about as hacked as it can be, so if I deposit my stimulus money in my bank account it will be stolen immediately. So I’m thinking of getting a safe deposit box and putting my money in there. It won’t draw interest, but at least the scum who steal disabled people’s money won’t be able to get it. I plan to give quite a bit of the money to worthy charities. I’ll have to pay to get my cat spayed, but that is manageable. I still have $320.00 from my last stimulus check.

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It’s a bummer you need to do it in such a way you can’t make it grow at all.

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just get a new account instead if there are people taking money out of your account…I had to do that one time…long story…

I’m certain that my personal information is pretty much public domain. They could hack the account immediately.

I doubt that highly @crimby banks can be trusted…

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