I'm the most messed up person on the forum

Which makes the fact that I own beachfront property even more amazing. And I can cook a mean chili casserole.


I’m also one of the most messed up person on this site, I can’t even think correctly…wait a minute, what am I thinking now?


I still don’t know what I am thinking.


It’s OK though, I always wanted to be number one at something.


If you are the most messed up person on the forum I probably won’t little to do with you other than to eat your chili casserole. Being a messed up failure is not all that cool.

I think everyone is messed up in their own way. We’re all weird and that’s fine i think.


I live in a group home.


Great now you started a who has it worse war lol


I like you just the way you are @77nick77

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This made me giggle Jake. You are silly.

Some of the people where I live have had things happen to them that are like they were from the twilight zone. This one woman has these huge scars on her legs that look like they came from a chain saw. I’m scarred to ask how they got there. There was this other guy in another hospital I was in that told us stories about things that happened to him and his sister when they were growing up. He said that one time his sister had a broken arm, and this bum who their mother had taken up with had her arm cranked up behind her back. His sister was yelling, “My arm! It’s going to break again. It’s going to break.” This bum was pushing her up the stairs, and this guy said he kicked that guy in the face, and the guy tumbled all the way back down the stairs.

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If you don’t have the forum badge for it, then you’re not the most messed up. And if you can figure out how to get a fancy house then you can surely figure out how to make a simple forum badge?

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People like to talk.

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