I'm starting a new hobby

I’m going to be making things out of silk flowers like wreaths, arrangements, maybe straw hats idk yet, anything I can think of to decorate with silk flowers. So far I have some blue hydrangeas and some white roses for a floral arrangement in my entryway. I’m just waiting on the vase.


I ordered a bunch of flowers to start me off and I have a bunch more picked out for when I get paid. Here’s the one’s that will come next week.




It’s always good to find time for creativity. It stimulates the brain in a healthy way. Good going Leafy!!


i saw this cool youtube channel where they make things like flower pots and planters out of concrete


I’m almost suspicious that you’re getting manic with all your reports of activity.


lol, I’m not manic. I just talk a lot.


I hope you can afford all the stuff you’re buying. That said, I think it all looks great. I’m just concerned you’re getting into debt with all the stuff you’ve purchased not just today, but in the past


@Leaf Very cool! Is this gonna just be something you have around your place and gifts during birthdays and holidays or are you gonna try and sale some of it?


no I’m not going to sell anything. Just gifts and such.


@Leaf okay nothing wrong with that… Having orders and such is hard to keep up with anyways! One reason why I’m no longer gonna do commissioned work

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If I was talented I would consider it. But I’m not. I’m just going to do it for fun. I love making crafts, I used to do all kinds of crafts when I was young.

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@Leaf same here… Until I found my true passion

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I love the idea! You could also get a glue gun and learn to make the flowers too.

Look at leaf getting all crafty! Good job.

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Is that sewing?

I bought a glue gun too.


@Leaf crocheting, I’m gonna sew a little later but atm I’m just crocheting

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Perfect. Lol enjoy!

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crochet is so beautiful. My Mother tried so hard to teach me. I could never even get a good chain going. I’m not that good with my hands really.

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@Leaf I’ll @ you on my newest project I got going! It’s really trying out interesting!

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