I'm so irritated with my meds nurse right now and myself

Well actually, right now I’m irritated with my old meds nurse and myself. I have the beginnings of a cold sore which I take Acyclovir for at the first sign. If you take the med at the first sign you can sometimes stop the outbreak from progressing and spreading from cell to cell and it keeps it small. I’m supposed to have a rx with me so I don’t have to wait days for them to get it to me. The old meds nurse was like nah just call anytime and I’ll get it right to you. There was a mix up once with a sub nurse who accidentally put the rx in my box when I didn’t need it and threw the bottle away. So I gathered up the rx and put it in a baggie to bring it back the following week and my old meds nurse said it was ok to just keep it till I had an outbreak. Well I can’t figure out what I did with it. A baggie with 50 big unmarked pills would have stood out. I’m thinking it got tossed during the move. Now to get it refilled I’ll have to go through proper channels which of course will take up precious time. This thing will be raging by the time a get the rx. It will be pointless to take it, might as well save it for next time.

I’m sorry to hear that. I’ve had some horror stories myself. Are you doing alright?

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Yes, I’m ok. Just worried because I’m looking for work and I don’t want to have a cold sore if I get an interview.

they are very ugly

I see. I would just talk to them about it.

Is this the first time they have done such thing?

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No, there are little mistakes all the time.