Just finish my workout, im so tired, feels like im going to pass out. im going to take nap.
What muscle group did you workout today? Did you do any cardiovascular exercise?
I did back today. Its was hard.
What exercises? How many repetitions? How many sets?
I did * Barbell Bent-over Row for 10 sets, 12 reps, * Single-arm Rows bent rows for 5 sets for 12 reps and finally one handed back flies for 5 sets for 12 reps, took about 30- 45 minutes to complete. Also i tooke 30 sec break between sets. Also i drink bcaas to stay hydrated.
BRAVO, BRAVO… I don’t think I could have finished that workout routine. Hope you feel sore tomorrow.
I never feel sore, because i take creatine and bcaas to recover, my bcaas has glutamine a very important ingredient for post recovery, i eat protein, carbs, fiber and vegetables. Im supply my muscle for repair the next day. So i can go train again.
That’s a lot of supplements to take. Must cost quite a bit. Good to read you are into body building.
not really, its just creatine and bcaas, its 80 percent nutrition and 20 percent training. Its cheap too, my bcaas only cost 17 dollars and last 4 months and creatine cost only 15 and last 5 months. yea its cheap. I buy best price with most amount of servings on ebay.
Supplements of are cheap on ebay if you know puts some effort on searching thats all, never buy expensive supplements its a scam, all supplements are the same, buy the best price.
Just finishsd a workout too. Feels good. Im trying to do it every day
Great man, keep up the good work.
Thanks bro apprecoate it
@oe1489 Yeah, I used to buy supplements but felt that I just want to be fit enough to get back into my old pair of jeans. So, I just ate regular food and exercised everyday.
Yea no problem do you take supplements just curious.
yea i understand, supplements are just supplements but whats more important is your nutrient thats where it counts the most. Thats where you can see change in your body. feed it with the right foods. the body will thank you. its obvious if your feed your body with junk food you get junk results but if you if you feed it with good food you get good results its that simple.
Uhb i take supplimenys to relax and to sleep
St johns wort
No workout stuff
O okay i see. 15151515
Right on. Couldn’t have said it better myself.
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