I keep puking and feel sweaty I don’t feel good at all
I’m sorry, I hope you get better quick
I hope you start feeling better soon!
Warm apple juice in sips or Gatorade would be better. Take tylenol for fever.
It’s going around, hoping it doesn’t last long for ya. If still puking tomorrow see a doc to prevent dehydration, they may give you zofran for throwing up.
@Wave @Leaf @raelyn218
Thanks guys
don’t get dehydrated and maybe take potassium.
Oh no. I’m so sorry. I hope you feel better soon.
@gobeyond @LilyoftheValley thanks guys
Aw being sick sucks! Can you keep down tea and crackers or dry toast?
I hope it is short lived. ((Hugs))
Feel better soon
Vitamins A,C and D3 are food for your immune system. It supercharges your immune system helping you to recover faster…
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