I'm sick as a dog

I keep puking and feel sweaty I don’t feel good at all

I’m sorry, I hope you get better quick


I hope you start feeling better soon!

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Warm apple juice in sips or Gatorade would be better. Take tylenol for fever.

It’s going around, hoping it doesn’t last long for ya. If still puking tomorrow see a doc to prevent dehydration, they may give you zofran for throwing up.

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@Wave @Leaf @raelyn218
Thanks guys


don’t get dehydrated and maybe take potassium.

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Oh no. I’m so sorry. I hope you feel better soon.

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@gobeyond @LilyoftheValley thanks guys

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Aw being sick sucks! Can you keep down tea and crackers or dry toast?
I hope it is short lived. ((Hugs))

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Feel better soon

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Gahhhh I got to stop posting random ■■■■!! But my “mission” is not complete yet!

Vitamins A,C and D3 are food for your immune system. It supercharges your immune system helping you to recover faster…

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