Or more. The military is 7 million. They control the press, so they control the public appearances. What are some thoughts to discount this idea?
One thought is kim jong un has absolutely nothing to do with you and nothing he will do will likely have any effect on you.
I need help, can someone please answer?
I don’t know what to say really @flowers20 . I still believe that it is impossible to give someone plastic surgery to look exactly like another person.
You really don’t have any evidence that this is true, so why believe it? I could come up with all kinds of different scenarios that are difficult to prove untrue, but that doesn’t give me cause to believe them. There is no way for me to prove to you that Kim Jong Un isn’t a facial reconstructed duplicate but the logical conclusion based on the fact that I believe that it is impossible to create an exact duplicate based face, height and weight, is that it’s not true. I could list the other reasons why this scenario is unlikely, like there is no reason for N. Korea to do this, but you have heard them all before a million times.
I could assert for example, that some baby blue jays are born red. Can you prove to me that they aren’t? I’m not, however, going to assume that they are just because the thought popped into my mind. What your asking us to do is something similar. We can list all the logical reasons why this is not true, but there is no way for us to convince you without a doubt that it is not true when you are so firmly convinced that it is.
Would writing, “maybe we could be ISIS” in a rap be a thing a terrorist would do? Am I a terrorist for that?
I really don’t think you are a terrorist flowers20.
But would writing that mean that?
No flower20, I don’t think so. You didn’t use threats of violence or violence to achieve political gain. You are really going round in circles on these topics flowers20.
I mean if they had thousands of doubles, why not just keep Kim Jong Il in power? Passing it on to his son only makes sense if there’s just 1 of each guy, which is the reality.
Because Kim Jong Il was 70. You can’t stay in power forever.
??? I’m confused.
I think your symptoms are flaring up.
@flowers20 are you taking your meds it seems like if you are there not working and you need a med change
But could saying “we could be ISIS” be considered a threat of violence? I was so messed up on Adderall that I wasn’t thinking what I was saying.
I don’t think so.
What country’s military is 7 million? It isn’t the United States.
I don’t think saying that in a rap makes you a terrorist.
Is that type of judgment really necessary? None of us can help what our delusions are.
The meds don’t work for everyone. During the worst of my illness, I was on a huge amount of meds. Now that my illness is less intense, I take a lesser amount than I did then.