I'm scared guys

I’m really scared for the future. :frowning: I don’t know how my life will be like.


I’m suffering so much. It’s unfair that I have to suffer so much, I’m a good person. :frowning:

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Whats wrong? 15151515

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The future lives in your imagination. There is only the present and nothing else. Even the past lives as an hallucination in everybody’s minds.

Don’t fret so much. Concentrate on the now.


I just want a peaceful life where I can enjoy my hobbies in peace and enjoy life, but life doesn’t want to give me that. :frowning:

I’m terrified of the future too. All you can do is take it day by day, otherwise you’ll go bananas.


None of us knows what the future holds. I try to just take things day by day myself. It’s good to prepare for the future and all but sitting around worrying about potentials is probably a fruitless endeavor. It does you no good.


Thanks guys, I will do my best to live in the moment and not worry too much. I feel like these medications makes it hard for me to be present to the moment though, sometimes I feel trapped in thought. I’m currently switching medication, I have hope that it will improve my life maybe a bit, but I don’t know if they will. I hope.


I’m afraid I will end up taking suicide, or that my anxiety will be so bad that I only stay in bed all the time.

I’m probably not going to take suicide, I’m too scared of it. So if my anxiety gets too bad then I will probably lay in bed all the time. I hope not.

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That good people like me have to suffer so much makes me mad, this ■■■■■■■ universe is evil.


If I could snap my fingers and stop existing I would do it and get out of this ■■■■■■■ ■■■■ place.

In 2013 I learned that the way out of suffering was meditation, so stay present and accept the moment. If you could accept your suffering then it would disappear. Well, on these medications I can’t stay 100% present to the moment. Not enough to get out of thought, out of suffering.

There’s a saying that most worries will never be realized (or something to the effect). I just hope that’s the case for my worries. And who knows, it may be.

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