My PCP hasn’t called me yet, but I saw the test results on MyChart. Does anyone know anything about it? Can it be transmitted by shaking hands?
If you practice poor hygiene, yes. This means touching an open sore, getting the virus on your hands, and then either spreading it to another part of your body or someone else by touching them.
More info.
Thanks @shutterbug
Most people have some sort of herpes.
Oral herpes spreads easily. You can kiss someone who has it and not realise until you have an outbreak next year.
Sharing chapstick, cigarettes or drinking cups/bottles can also infect.
Plus lots of people contract it at birth from their mothers
Got any blisters?
Thanks pikasaur. I’m going to have to talk to my PCP.
Just in my mouth.
My dad has that one. Thats the hsv1
Thanks @anon84461028
Here is some useful info on Oral Herpes, symptoms, spread, and treatment from a reliable source:
How did you catch it? Had a scare myself earlier in the year but turned out to be something curable thankfully
I have the HSV 2 virus which is the sexually transmitted Herpes that not everyone has. I had an affair last winter and spring. I don’t know if I caught it from my partner then or I have had it awhile. Before last winter, I haven’t had sex since the summer of 2005.
Shame that’s really bad luck… I was out of my mind with worrying when I thought I had it. Life can be so unfair sometimes
Are you sure you werent hallucinating or do you feel fine? Im just wonderinh becuase ive noticed things too which werent true
Never mind i have adhd i have trouble reading through threads nevermind
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