I'm planning to die of old age

No violent suicide for me. I’m just going to ride it out.


sounds good to me !! :partying_face: we like having you around


I’m glad you are going to stick it out Chordy.

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I decided basically the same thing, except I will will myself to die at age 70. I want to get to performance level on guitar and it takes a LOT of practice. I’m going to have to practice more than 30 minutes a day in the future. I have good voices and bad ones and some of my voices say it’s best to stay alive so vehemently that I take their word for it. I got over my suicidal thinking in March 2020 at the onset of the pandemic luckily. I don’t have the impulse anymore.

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Yes, but I don’t think death can be self willed unless you are in touch with yourself to the point of being able to tell your own heart to stop beating or some other necessary organs to disfunction.

Yeah, I was half kidding.

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I want to die of old age too. But my arthritis is already so bad now that it’s scary to think of it getting much worse.

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I am currently working on my thoughts about growing old. I just turned 65. I look back and I look forward. I decided I need to find more reasons to live and not think about wanting to die. I am going to write a paper on this and send it to my key contact people.

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Is this a truth? This will take a little effort to come to terms with.

That’s tragic. I hope it can go into some form of remission. There’s no sense to pain.

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