I'm picking at my

I’m picking at my hair again. I can’t stop. It feels so relaxing to pull my hair out. :sweat:

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Sounds like an addiction. I have this with cleaning my ears with earbuds. I do it nearly every day, bad cos I might be wearing out my eardrum or something

It feels so satisfying


It is. I’m addicted to pulling my hair out. :sob: It’s gotten so bad I shaved my hair to stop myself from pulling. This was two years ago. Many people with Trichotillomania do this.

I pull my hair out because it’s calming, I just don’t pull out the hair on my head. 🤷

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I just like to pull the little stubble feeling ones. Then when those are gone I try to pull the coarse hairs next. Then I move on to the very thin short ones.

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When I pull hair I kinda go in a trance like state and am not too aware I am doing it

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I pick at my scalp. It hurts. I can’t stop. I hate it. I’m sorry you’re in this boat.

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@anon94176359 @Leaf I’m also entranced. :dizzy_face: I hate it too. So unfortunate for us.


I’m sure there’s a name for it. There always is for most behavior. Do you take an ssri? They seem to work for some people with obsessive traits. As always. Chat to your doctor. You know you shouldn’t be doing it but still do it…flag there to have a chat.

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