I don’t know what it is. It is getting steadily worse. Friday I got winded on the short walk between the clubhouse and the apartments. Now I get winded if I just walk across the room. I took a shower this morning, and afterwards I was bent over for a few minutes trying to catch my breath. Now if I just stand up I’m struggling for air. I’ve been consuming a lot of sugar for a long time, and that has probably played a role in my illness. My brother came by yesterday, and he is going to take me to urgent care. I might have to go into the hospital. I’m dizzy and nauseous, but other than that I’m okay sitting down. I don’t feel bad. But I’m so short winded.
I’m glad you are going to the doctor. It sounds like you need to be seen right away!
I don’t know if you got your second shot of the vaccine, but my mother is also dizzy and nauseous. She also can’t stand up for long periods of time. This all happened after the second dose of the vaccine for covid-19. I hope your symptoms go away soon. My mother received her second shot about a month ago but still feels bad. If you also got the second shot and have felt badly since then, I hope that time heals you. I am hoping for the best for my mother too.
I’m getting vaccinated in a couple of hours and I have butterflies in my stomach.
Not really looking forward to it.
I hope I don’t get really sick.
I didn’t get sick on my first shot but the second one kicked my ass.
Glad you’re getting help.
Wise thing is to go in and see someone.
good that you going to the hospital… sounds like you need to get checked out for sure. I hope it’s nothing bad… wishing you the best!
I hope you feel better.
What you’re describing sounds like pneumonia. I’ve had pneumonia multiple times. You need to be seen immediately. When did you get the vaccine?
@ciaociao1 i hope your mom improves soon
Hope you have more good days than bad days. That’s how you win the game.
I think I got the vaccine two or three weeks ago, maybe longer. When I woke up this morning I was bent double for thirty minutes to an hour. I was having a really hard time breathing. I’ve had pneumonia before, so maybe it is that.
When do you see a dr? You need care now. Not later. Now.
Please see a doctor ASAP.
oh man I am so sorry this is happening to you !! glad you’re seeing a doctor.
I saw the doctor last Wednesday. He put me on a steroid inhaler. I hope it works.
Thanks, jukebox.
Man, I hope it’s not copd. I’ve been on oxygen for 4 years.
I hope the inhaler helps!