Been working steady and worked through the weekend, so taking today off!!!
What do you think I should do today???
Been working steady and worked through the weekend, so taking today off!!!
What do you think I should do today???
I would do nothing. I would enjoy peace and tranquility. Lol
I’m actually on work today. I have 1 day a week at 5 hours or 5 days at 1 hour. I like getting out of the house
Read some books!!
I’m reading web of evil by j.a. lance. It’s a mystery
Sweet! I got a package of five mystery books in the mail the other day.
They were selected by the company I ordered from, so I didn’t know what titles they were until I opened up the package.
Only two out of the five books look interesting to me though.
Jam some electric guitar!
Wow… I didn’t know about those. What authors?
Mate. Have a nice lunch and just vege for the day. Nice to reward yourself with a nice break from work. Maybe even dial pizza or something you don’t have often as a treat.
I slept most of the day, I get more sore from sleeping than I do working
Oh I can’t remember all the authors. I know one of them is Stuart Woods, I think.
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