So I am first line support. Questions come to me first and if I can’t help I pass on to second line support. This query came to me. I did everything right to my knowledge but I still could not help. I am not perfect I don’t know everything I passed it on to second line support. And the man went off to second line support said it was something I should have done not them. Basically I’m not doing my job properly. He did not say it to me but I sit next to second line support I heard everything. Man that man made me nervous. Made me feel so small. I even gave him instructions but he was like I didn’t see the email. Basically he expected everything to be set up and not do any of the work.
Most people are nice in the telephone though? It was never a job for me, but I did for a while.
I don’t use the phone this man came to see me at my desk.
You will probably get better at your job as you go along. You’re absolutely right when you say you don’t know everything but you will learn more about the job the longer you are there. It’s just like college, you don’t go into a class knowing everything; someone has to teach you.
Is that IT helpdesk support?
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He sounds intimidating. I don’t think you did a bad job.
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