I’m also something of a political animal. I use Twitter for that, as political talk is not allowed here. I’m also into genealogy especially the DNA side of it. I’m currently puzzled as to why i have YDNA matches that are closer to ‘Gatley’ than to my surname.
That’s cool. I’m not really interested in much.
Nice to have interests, don’t take it for granted
I’m into politics too, but of course we can’t talk about that here. I did do a free trial of ancestry dot com which proved to be quite fun and interesting
How are you doing these days @firemonkey? Are you all better from covid now?
Yes. Things are gradually improving mobility etc wise. Was having a re-enablement worker come in 3x a day but from tomorrow it’ll just be in the morning.
Politically, I am militantly middle of the road. The truth usually lies somewhere in the middle. I’ve been dealing with some kind of malady. At first I thought it was covid because I was so short winded, and I was coughing up phlem, but I did a Covid test and it came back negative. It was a store bought test, so it could have been wrong. I took the Abbot test, an antigen test. It seems like I might be recovering, though. I hope so. I’m tired of being sick.
Glad to hear this and that your mobility is improving. I hope this continues. Do you know how long you’ll have the morning visits for or does that depend on your progress?
I used to be interested in IQ tests, and I’ve done quite a few. I think I have a general idea of my IQ range, since every tests gives me a slightly different score.
My politics are more practical than ideological. Not gonna say more than that cause we are not allowed to talk about it.
I do know that it’s a time limited free service ( not sure how long) After that you have to pay for help via a care provider based on income and savings.
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