Im not gonna spend all day

Taklking about my enemies, look i get it you hate me, go ahead sit around try to be me, stalk me, try to.break into our house, act.crazier than a sz by doing.crack all day. Act like someone cares about your opinions, look at yourself in the.mirror and take some Tylenol pm. No one cares.

Sz people shouldn’t have enemies. We already have enough problems.


I am psychic and i hear crazy ■■■■ with amnesia. I just found out my enemies convinced me my first baby daddy has be raping me since I was eight. I hate Samantha and her boyfriend they just do.not wNt me to see my kid. Being psychic sucks with amnesia. I make mistakes all the times. Why do people put these thpught in my head how could they think that.

Let’s all try to help each other work through our delusions, instead of fueling them, okay?

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