I’m taking minocycline 200 mg for Gods sake.
sz and possible lyme disease is a death sentence…
I have brain inflammation i think… psy doc always sais i dont know what it is, after so many blood tests, what a damn conspiracy!
I’m taking minocycline 200 mg for Gods sake.
sz and possible lyme disease is a death sentence…
I have brain inflammation i think… psy doc always sais i dont know what it is, after so many blood tests, what a damn conspiracy!
In general, negative symptoms of schizophrenia are very difficult to treat. Don’t beat yourself up over it.
Its a struggle man but youre not alone. Im on max dose zoloft, max dose abilify and max dose cyamemazine. Still get negatives, especially when I dont sleep well like last night
I know I am not alone with this strugge but the covid is more important then mental health its a damn circus conspiracy, what if everyone would have gotten psychosis or … from a virus they would make an antidote in 48 hours like those damn zombie movies lol
Abilify max dosage, I know what that is, im sorry zwolfgang
No worries man. Get bad insomnia with it sometimes but it beats unmedicated I think
Hope you get some relief soon too
thanks man I really appreciate your kind words