I just saw ‘myself’ in the mirror, it wasn’t me. Who I am is for you to know and for you to guess.
What does sekso emperico mean?
Sekso is the Cebuano word for sex and empirico means empirical. Omg of course!! Is that even allowed? @anon4362788
Also it means sex in Esperanto
There was also a philosopher named that, I believe, which is where he got it from if I remember correctly
Oh ok. Idk. Sorry. It’s really none of my business what his name is. My bad
As @anon4362788 has pointed out my name is just an adaptation of Sextus Empiricus’, the ancient Greek sceptical philosopher, an old friend of mine.
Did you want a name change?
Not at all, but thanks for asking , I had a moment of existential panic last night, like someone had taken over my identity, but I feel better now.
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