I'm new here. How do I change my profile picture?

Hi everyone new member here. Wanted to know how I can change my profile picture.

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Click on your picture in the upper right corner then your username. From there choose preferences and there will be options to edit your pictures.

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Thanks for the quick reply.

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You’re welcome.

And welcome to the forum!

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Hey @Solidus, how do I send you a message? ;D

Click my name and in the right corner you can message me.

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Hey mate, I will message you when I figure it out, but in the mean time can I have a refill? I’ll trade you for a Krispy Kreme Rick & Morty donut ;D

Haha it’s a deal. I think you might need more privileges the more you interact with people on the forum to start pming me. I saw your post with your selfie. You look like a nice person. :grinning:

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@schizophe once you make member you’ll be able to initiate PMs.

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Thanks my shiny & new besty. Dr Pepper Cherry & chat anytime: I thoroughly enjoy both :slight_smile:

You & your selfie is also hunky hot. How do you stay so fit? ;D

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Did you take your selfie down @schizophe?

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But also I’m obligated to remind everyone that this is not a dating site. It’s in the rules. Friendship ONLY.

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Hey besty!

Nope, why? ;D

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I can’t find it

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That’s ok @schizophe I found it! Nice to put a face to the name

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Much welcomes to the forum. Nice Metal Gear reference. :+1:

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Thank you for the compliment. I think I just have good genetics in my family. It’s unusual because a lot of people who start ap’s put on a lot of weight in a short amount of time. My parents are naturally on the thin side. I guess it’s just the hand I was dealt. I also try to maintain a certain level of fitness by doing exercises every so often. I also have a little supplement regimen I try to stick too.

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Strictly friendships, understood.

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