Hi everyone new member here. Wanted to know how I can change my profile picture.
Click on your picture in the upper right corner then your username. From there choose preferences and there will be options to edit your pictures.
Thanks for the quick reply.
You’re welcome.
And welcome to the forum!
Hey @Solidus, how do I send you a message? ;D
Click my name and in the right corner you can message me.
Hey mate, I will message you when I figure it out, but in the mean time can I have a refill? I’ll trade you for a Krispy Kreme Rick & Morty donut ;D
Haha it’s a deal. I think you might need more privileges the more you interact with people on the forum to start pming me. I saw your post with your selfie. You look like a nice person.
@schizophe once you make member you’ll be able to initiate PMs.
Thanks my shiny & new besty. Dr Pepper Cherry & chat anytime: I thoroughly enjoy both
You & your selfie is also hunky hot. How do you stay so fit? ;D
Did you take your selfie down @schizophe?
But also I’m obligated to remind everyone that this is not a dating site. It’s in the rules. Friendship ONLY.
Hey besty!
Nope, why? ;D
I can’t find it
That’s ok @schizophe I found it! Nice to put a face to the name
Much welcomes to the forum. Nice Metal Gear reference.
Thank you for the compliment. I think I just have good genetics in my family. It’s unusual because a lot of people who start ap’s put on a lot of weight in a short amount of time. My parents are naturally on the thin side. I guess it’s just the hand I was dealt. I also try to maintain a certain level of fitness by doing exercises every so often. I also have a little supplement regimen I try to stick too.
Strictly friendships, understood.