Im losing weight but slowly omg

its so hard to lose weight on aps even with a healthy diet and exercise its so difficult but its going down very slowly.


It didn’t get on there in a day as my mother always says


Good job though proud of ya


Slow and steady wins the race. It’s taking me a long time too but we can get there. You got this!


was 265 now im 260, 2 weeks ago. I wish it can go faster. I have belly lol, its not healthy to have one. I want to be 200 thats than ill be happy.

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Yea for a women its still hard to loose weight even though your overweight. Although still the goal is to loose 5 to 10 pounds a week.

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yea i wish i can lose 10lbs a week.

Actually anything more than 2 pounds a week is proven to be unhealthy. You’d have to be in a 7000 calorie deficit per week to lose 2 pounds. That’s 1000 calorie deficit per day. To many that’s a lot. For me that means I eat 1300 calories a day to lose 2 pounds a week. I started at 268 I am now 230


Thats good, i want to lose more weight.

I’ve been losing weight, too. My heaviest was like 312, and now I’m down to 289.

I lost 100 pounds in 6 months before, so I’m hoping to do something similar. I just need to be careful because I’ve had past issues with anorexia.


good job, i hope you can lose more weight.

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I’m losing too, just very very slowly. I cut out a lot of added sugars and that helped. But I’m eating really low calorie and it’s not really helping. My doctor wants me to try some meds to help with insulin resistance because my blood work came back scary. Like, she’s worried I’ll develop type 2 diabetes because my insulin resistance is so high even though my A1C is only 4.9.

Mine is going down slowly too. Congrats dude.

I did eat junk non stop for 4 days though. Which I’m disappointed about. But I’m back on track now.

Initially wanted to be 55kg but considering bringing it up to 60kg.well see we’ll see


i eat junk food once a week.

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That’s not so much. Very nice.

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just to reward myself.

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Yea it’s good to have something to look forward to.


I managed to lose almost 20 pounds since Christmas. Changed my diet and walked a couple hundred kilometers and also weightlifter last 4 weeks too.
I did a bunch of 7-10km+ walks some were speed walks.
I was powered by mania lol

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powered by mania is that a good thing

Well I was putting the excess energy to good use so its ok.

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